Wahl ultima plus shaver
This is a nice, sturdy shaver, with a slightly robotic feature design, which comes with a protective cap, case and UK charger. The shaver has both a shaving foil and a long hair trimmer. Charging is fast, it takes only a hour. Full charge is indicated by a flashing green light and at fully charged state, it will work for up to 45 minutes. Like most Wahl products you can also use it while it is plugged in.This is a worthwhile feature which you will not find on all foil shavers.
This shaver is suitable for wet and dry shaving and the long hair trimmer can be used for trimming beards, sideburns and any other stray hairs. There is also a plastic clip on stubble guide cover to keep designer stubble look? but we didn't use this during our testing.
From use over only a relatively short time testing, this shaver appears to provide good performance and value for money at rrp £49.99. This feels a reassuringly solid shaver, not too lightweight and we are told it has a stronger foil for prolonged bald fade hair cut work
In use, this feels comfortable enough and will satisfy all but the most demanding of customers.
Although the final result is not as close as a straight razor for bald fading it offers a safe, fast, very near the same quality alternative. We found you can also use this shave for tidying the lined edges after using mini trimmers for a cleaner look.
The Wahl ultima plus was easy to clean with a small brush and sanitise with clippercide / medic spray due to its removable head.
A nice addition to Wahl’s growing list of quality professional tools