The UK’s leading and largest alliance for barbers in the UK has received Primary Authority Status from Horsham district Council and The Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
As a Primary Authority The British Master Barbers is sanctioned by the government to provide assured and tailored advice on meeting operational regulations such as environmental health, trading standards to its members.
Coming in the same week as the BEIS moved responsibility for the personal care sector BETS, the primary authority status signifies a ground-breaking week for the industry.
Tony Copeland, Co-Founder of The British Master Barbers, says: ‘This recognition, which we have been working tirelessly towards for the last year is a game-changer for us as an organisation, for the future of the industry and for each and every one of our members. It also means we barbers no matter the size or ambitions of our businesses have been recognised for our significant contributions to the UK economy.’
The UK Barbering industry generates approximately £5 billion a year into the UK economy. Employing about 250,000 people. It’s dominated by small & micro businesses, with about 36,000 salons. (Source UK, Government). As our industry moves forward these partnerships with official government bodies provide support and Primary Authority Advice to our members .
Behind the scenes Tony and co-founder Anthony have worked with MP Jeremy Quinn for the last year to achieve this status and get recognition for industry.
Jeremy Quinn MP, said: ‘I welcome the efforts to attempt to improve standards across the industry made by the British Master Barbers’.
Tony Continues: ‘As a primary authority, we are half way up the ladder getting our industry recognised for its significant value and economic contributions. We will continue climbing to drive standards and support the industry.’
As a Primary Authority, established barbers and barbers who are starting out can access the resources on The British Master Barbers website or become a member. With a plethora of resources available including access to The British Master Barbers Health & Safety Certificate and the new Master Barber University educational platform.
Using this knowledge, barbers can invest with confidence in products, practices and procedures, knowing their time and money is well spent.