Sam Arthur is commonly known as the Mod barber and with over 30 years in the barbering industry he’s seen some of the uk’s most definitive fashions. The Mod culture is becoming one that’s re hitting the spot light but for sam it never went away.

My introduction to the Mod culture was when I was a mere 14 year olds. Completely obsessed with this wonderful machine known as a motor scooter. This
Italian built machine had an enclosed engines which allowed the riders the option to wear sharp suits and overcoats without getting covered in oil or grease. The Scooter riders were always looking very smart and always gathered jealous looks wherever they travelled. I started to follow the Mod Culture back in the early 80s, in those days being part of a group or subculture was the done thing for teenagers. Weather it be Mod, Skinhead, Punk,
Rocker or New Romantic for a lot of kids it was a way of fitting in with society. Usually most your friends were into the same things as yourself like Music, Fashion, Scooters and Haircuts.
For me it was and still is away of life regularly meeting up with friends for ride outs, Mod gatherings and events.
The Mod style has always appealed to me with the great looking suits, the hair styles and the casual wear also not forgetting the must have accessories that compliment the look.
Music played big part of the Mod scene. Groups like The Jam, The Who and of course Northern Soul were always pioneers of the Mod fashion and pushed the look into the main stream.
Everybody wanted the look of their favourite artists. When I was very young Mod I always admired the older lads who travelled around on their beautiful scooters I couldn’t wait to have one myself when I was old enough. Now I’m a bit older I’m in the quite fortunate position to own a very large and extensive collection of both Vespas and Lambretta’s. Hairstyles have always been a vital part of the Mod look. I get my inspiration by looking back to the 50s and 60s, The clean cuts and well groomed gents. The style of haircut was very different to the regular short back and sides that was favoured at the time. It was called a French style or French line, with an off centre parting with a bouffant look to the
back of the head. Because I’ve always been a Mod myself I love creating the look for every other
Mod that comes into my Barbershop I take great pleasure in being the only
Mod Barbershop in both Northern Ireland and Ireland for over 32
years and I have Mods traveling from all over Europe to get the authentic look. I got to show off my interpretation of this look on my genuine mod model Adrian Tincknell when the BMB guys asked me to demonstrate on the master barber live show main stage last year. Its great to see the styles becoming popular again but for me they never left.
