I have been barbering for 3 years, and last year I started up on my own trading as Aceoffadez_ayrshire. I am a Scottish barber with a massive passion for this industry, I was a finalist in Scottish business awards 2019, then i won the Scottish hair and beauty oceanic award for Scotlands male grooming venue of the year 2019, i was also highly commended for gents stylist of the year 2019.

My life has been plagued with alcohol addiction from a young age and nearly killed me, luckily for me i found recovery which is where i realised my drive and passion for barbering, i owe my live to the industry and always hungry for success, I am state registered with the barber council and went to college to learn. This is a lifestyle for me and i am very proud to be a barber. I try to help gents if they struggle with mental health issues especially addiction as i have massive life experience.
