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Advice and specific links containing details around the Coronavirus COVID-19

With the rapidly changing nature of the COVID-19 outbreak, information and advice from Government can change quickly. For all the latest Government information on COVID-19 and the measures the Government, and Devolved Governments, are taking, please visit

UK Government website,

Scottish Government website,

Welsh Government website or

Northern Irish Government website.


Are you protecting yourself from Corona Virus?

Follow these simple rules to give you the best chances

1. Wash your hands thoroughly using anti bacterial hand wash.

2. Catch all sneezes in a tissue and dispose correctly.

3. Avoid touching your face.

4. Use products like Saloncide Solutions between customers to prevent any cross contamination.

Guidance for employers

Current government advice is that the overall risk to the public in the UK remains moderate.

The overall risk to employees in contracting Covid-19 through attending their place of work in the UK is very low.

Employers are advised to keep an eye on the current government advice and to refer employees to it where they may be concerned about their individual risk. The advice is reviewed by the government on a daily basis:

The government has produced guidance for employers, which can be accessed here:

Budget 2020 support for those affected by COVID-19

In response to the global outbreak of Covid-19, the UK Government introduced a raft of measures in the budget to support businesses experiencing increases in costs or financial disruptions. Measures include:

Refund for businesses and employers required to access Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)A 100 per cent Business Rates retail discount for one year and expanded to include leisure and hospitality sectorsAdditional £2.2 billion funding support for those small businesses that pay little or no Business Rates because of Small Business Rate Relief (SBBR)A new temporary Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan SchemeAll businesses and self-employed people in financial distress, and with outstanding tax liabilities, may be eligible to receive support with their tax affairs through HMRC’s Time To Pay service

You can find out about this support in more detail on the Government website.

Other useful links

Further guidance regarding the Coronavirus can be found via:

UK Government Coronavirus latest information and advice

ACAS Coronavirus advice for employers and employees:


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